Reflection Gives Great Joy

Every year we are fortunate enough to reflect on all the things we have done  and experienced over the past 12 months.  A wonderful man Dr Wayne Dyer taught me so much on how to be and I can help but be extremely thankful for all his teachings and lessons.  

One of his great lessons is to be thankful every morning.  I have not done that in a while and will start this great habit again today.  

Here is a list of all the things I am truly grateful for.

-my good health [I have been reminded this year how important this can be]
-family [having people that stand bye you and care for you without judgement and acceptance of all your faults, strengths and weaknesses and people that you do the same for is such a gift]
-laughter [the ability to laugh has been such an important piece of my life.  by looking at life in a joyful, playful and positive nature the things that hurt don't hurt so much and the great things in my life tend to shine that much more]
-fresh water [fresh water is essential and often taken for granted]
-freedom [wow....  this is huge.  my daughter has gone through university and studied many of the great wars and shared some of the detailed accounts of life without freedom.  human history has proven a thousand times over that our freedom can be taken from us at any time]
-beauty [in Vancouver and Canada beauty is everywhere.  it is so inspiring.  hiking in the mountain trails, boating in the ocean and embracing nature at it's finest]
-business [my business has given me an incredible life and I'm so thankful for every client I have ever had over the years]
-big dreams [having fun and exciting goals gives me that extra zip in my step every day]
-travel [this year I have promised to finally give myself this wonderful gift.  Cuba is with all my brothers and father are next this spring].

I am thankful for every challenge, every lesson and every success.  For all the amazing friends and people in my life and I feel so so blessed to be living at this point in history.  Very lucky man!