Upper Lonsdale Events: Win $100 Starbucks Gift Card Contest

Upper Lonsdale contest

Here is a FUN and Easy to WIN contest that gives you helpful information too.4 Ways You Can ENTER:
  • send an email to info@upperlonsdale.ca with your name and $100 Starbucks in the subject line (= 1 entry)
  • Visit my NEW Upper Lonsdale YouTube channel; subscribe and like (=1 entry)
  • One same YouTube Channel, like and comment on any of the videos
(=1 entry per video commented on) Visit YouTube.com/@UpperLonsdale 4. Visit Facebook.com/LonsdaleLiving and like and follow the page (=1 entry)It is a FUN Local contest and Free to enter.Winner Will Be Announced and contacted September 22, 2023.
courtesy Kevin LynchYour Upper Lonsdale Expert and Community Realtor604.307.9448