August sales activity was down in many sectors and markets and Upper Lonsdale was low too. As families get ready for their children going back to school, sales and listing inventory is not expected to balance out (or increase) until mid September once all the preparation has been done and everyone settles back into a normal routine.
As you can see in the live chart above, the sale prices for detached homes is still strong in Upper Lonsdale compared to Central Lonsdale, Lynn Valley and North Vancouver.
Prices for Upper Lonsdale homes sold in August 2023 were $2,721,417 (average) in August 2023; up from July $2, 563,143 and from June $2,207,500 and year over year from last August (2022) $2,459,667; a 9.72% increase yoy.
Above are the average price sales in North Vancouver and Upper Lonsdale, however if you are wanting something more specific, like learning what our neighbour sold for or even getting a list of the actual sales prices for recent homes sold, reach out for your confidential free report.
If you hover over the graph above you can see live data and will notice that North Vancouver clearly shows a huge inventory decline from 508 active listings in September 2018 to 210 active listings August 2023 (a 59.7% decrease).
Over that same period, Upper Lonsdale inventory levels went from 51 listings (September 2018) to 21 listings (August 2023) which represents a 60.8% decline.
In 2022, listings counts were significantly higher where North Vancouver had 291 active listings and Upper Lonsdale had 38 active listings; representing a 43.7% listing decrease year over year; Upper Lonsdale had a 44.8% decrease in active listings of homes for sale.
Active Listings to sale ratio is a great market indicator and gives clear insights to the type of market we are in. For instance, if you hover your mouse over the orange graph in December 2021, you will notice Lynn Valley homes were selling at a rate of 2.5 homes for every listing that entered the market. That is extremely high.
If you hover over the last date on the graph, you can see that Upper Lonsdale sold 29% of the homes on the market in August. While listing counts are still low, that means that there are less than four months of inventory; homes for sale in Upper Lonsdale.
Speed of Upper Lonsdale Home Sales. For the homes that sold, the following live graph shares the average days on market.
For more information on our local market or a full market report and breakdown, contact your Upper Lonsdale Listings and Sales real estate expert
Kevin Lynch
Upper Lonsdale Expert and Community Realtor